- Submission Process
- Peer-Review Process
- Post-Acceptance:
- Manuscript Categories
- Submission Checklist
- Processing Time and Publication Charges
- Licensing and Copyright
Submission Process
1.Submission Guidelines: Authors must adhere strictly to the journal's guidelines and ethical standards.
2.Method of Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors through our Online Submission system. In case of technical issues, manuscripts can be emailed to editor@endocrinoljournal.com. The submitting author is responsible for the manuscript from submission to publication.
3.Submission Documents: Include a cover letter, manuscript file (with title page, full text, conflict of interest statement, funding information, and references), article table of contents, all tables and legends, figures and legends, and any supplementary materials. Also, provide the contact author's name and email.
4.Cover Letter: This should outline the manuscript's main purpose, its relevance to the journal, and briefly describe the research, its importance, and why it would interest the journal's readership.
A Cover Letter that explains the main purpose of the work, must accompany the manuscript. It should explain the suitability of the manuscript to this particular journal based on topic, theme, and methodological or theoretical approach. It should briefly describe the research that is being reported in the paper, why it is important, and why the readership of the journal would be interested in it.
Peer-Review Process
- Authors may suggest 3-6 potential peer reviewers, who are not current collaborators or from the same institution and have not published with any of the manuscript's authors in the past five years.
- After peer review, any major changes must be made before final approval. Post-approval changes will be published as corrigenda.
- The corresponding author must sign a License to Publish Form.
- The editorial staff aims to respond to submissions within two working days.
- Upon publication, authors receive a link to the published article.
Manuscript Categories
Authors should select the appropriate category, such as Research Article, Case Report, Editorial, Review Article, and others, each with specific guidelines and word limits.
Submission Checklist
- Use a clear, 12 pt font and double-space the text.
- Include a concise title, author details without titles or degrees, and institutional affiliation.
- Provide an abstract of 150-250 words.
- Include at least six keywords.
- Ensure all cited sources are in the reference list and vice versa.
- Acknowledgments and Conflict of Interest statements should be included.
- Tables and figures should be numbered and titled correctly, with all necessary legends and citations.
- References should follow the journal's specified format.
Processing Time and Publication Charges
- The journal's average manuscript life cycle varies from immediate rejection to peer review, revision, and online publication within 4-5 weeks.
- As an open access journal, a 750 USD article-processing charge applies, with waivers available for certain cases.
Multimedia Submissions
- The journal accepts various multimedia formats and ensures they are browser and mobile-device compatible.
- All multimedia articles are peer-reviewed and published with open access.
Licensing and Copyright
- Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License.
- Authors retain copyright but grant the journal publishing rights.